Typical Balinese Food Delights

Still not complete the holiday in Bali without tasting Balinese food. Culinary Bali has its own charm for the foodies because always in racik with spice herbs are strong and spicy.
Most local tourists only know some types of culinary a la Bali, such as Babi Guling and Ayam Betutu only. This time we collect 7 Typical Balinese Foods that You Must Try.

1. Ayam Betutu or Chicken Betutu
Betutu is a side dish made of whole chicken or duck that contains seasonings, then baked in a fire of husk. This Betutu has been known throughout the districts of Bali.
According to Balinese tradition, hen betutu usually presented at custom ceremony such as odalan, otonan, or marriage. However, now this food has become a typical culinary Bali is now a tourist attraction and has been sold in various culinary places in Bali. The ingredients needed to make chicken betutu consist of one chicken that has been cleaned inside, seasoning flavor, seasoning wewangenan, salt, and coconut oil. base genep is a Balinese spice consisting of onion, kencur, candlenut, garlic, turmeric, galangal, ginger, laos, cayenne pepper, lemongrass, brown sugar, shrimp paste, lime leaves, bay leaf, and coconut oil. While the flavor of wewangenan consists of black pepper, white pepper, cloves, nutmeg, tabia bun, coriander, candlenut, sauce, jangu, bangle, and lime skin. The process of making betutu chicken starts by smoothing base genep and wewangenan then sauteed until fragrant. Furthermore the chicken is cleaned of feathers, viscera, beak, and the skin of the hard toe exfoliated. Heat water with a little spice, bay leaves, lime leaves, and lemongrass stalks that have been contaminated. Chicken boiled into water until three-quarters cooked and then removed. Upon lifting, the base of the genome is inserted into the chicken's stomach and part of the genome base mixed with the oil is smeared across the surface of the chicken's body. Chicken that has been seasoned then a little knead for chicken to be soft and wrapped with banana leaves or pinang petals to further incorporated into the embers of fire. Coals should not be too large and the cooking process in the embers is approximately 1 hour. Chicken betutu then served by splitting on the abdomen to the area where the cache, then both chests are pulled to the side.

2. Babi Guling
All must have heard of this traditional Balinese traditional food. Pig bolsters (be bolsters) made from piglets whose stomach is filled with herbs and vegetables, such as cassava leaves, and then baked while twisted (rolled) until cooked. Initially pig bolsters are used for ceremonial or religious ceremonies. But now babi guling can be found easily in various restaurants, warungs, and hotels in Bali.

3. Srombotan
Srombotan is a typical vegetables Klungkung, Bali vegetables such as vegetables such as spinach, beans, and cabbage are given spices called kalas. Kalas is coconut milk that is given turmeric mashed, galangal, onion, garlic, coriander and a little kencur then cooked until thick. Kalas this is the hallmark of srombotan. These should be served with peanut sauce and spicy seasonings mixed evenly.

4. Lawar
Lawar is a mixture of boiled vegetables, baked coconut, and spiced cumin. Meat used is beef, pork, chicken, duck, and sea turtles. While the vegetables are young jackfruit, young papaya, leaf distance, and nuts. There are various lawar. When viewed from the color, there is white lawar and lawar red. The red lawar is a lawar that uses a mixture of blood from the meat used. There are also lawar named after the type of meat or vegetable type used, such as lawar pig and lawar jackfruit.

5. Blayag
Blayag is a typical food of northern Bali. Blayag as well as the ketupat wrapped from the leaf, but has a shape like lontong with a more dense texture. Blayag served with a clog, chicken suwir, tauge / lawar, sambal, then doused karean-like broth sauce and sprinkled with fried peanuts.
Seasoning sauce on blayang using a spice blend of Balinese spices. So as to provide an interesting taste. The taste is really varied ranging from savory, slightly sweet, and spicy.

6. Rujak Kuah Pindang
Westerners have fruit salads, while Indonesians have salads. But the difference Balinese rujak with rujak in other areas lies in the marinade. Rujak Bali has a variety of spices. Among the most famous are rujak kuah pindang.
The first time he heard his name would feel weird. That's right. Rujak kuah pindang equipped with fish sauce pindang. Although it sounds weird, but it feel good. Seasoning "uyah sere or salt and shrimp" is very united with salty sauce pindang fish, and fresh fruit.

7. Laklak
Laklak is a Balinese wet cake. From the way it is made, the laklak is similar to surabi cake, but the taste is much different. Laklak is usually made from a mixture of rice flour and salt in it.
Laklak eaten with a sprinkling of grated coconut and extra spray of liquid brown sugar. Bali snack sellers do not usually provide laklak as a dish. There are various other snacks such as grinders, banana rai, snack vapor, and injin (black stick).

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